Info about Popular Voices

Popular Voices is a nonprofit organization aimed at fostering real democracy in America and around the world.
With our campaigns, we want to amplify the voice of the people, calling greater attention to what really matters to us.
Our mission is to inspire positive change in America and abroad for the common well-being of all people and our environment.

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Popular Voices was founded by music producer and entrepreneur Marven Wagner in 2008 in Brooklyn, New York.
The idea for Popular Voices was born on November 5, 2008, the day after Barack Obama won the presidential election.
Our first goal has been to support him for re-election and the first campaign was launched on January 1, 2012.
The campaign has been called “YES WE CAN DO IT AGAIN” and was designed to motivate people to vote in the upcoming election.

In 2020, Popular Voices supports Joe Biden in his bid to become President of the United States of America.
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Here is a more detailed explanation of what we advocate for:
Demands may vary in other countries with a different political and social landscape.

We campaign in support of liberal politicians who really tackle issues that are important to the people they represent.
We expose politicians who are out of touch with the people they should represent.
We want to see honest politics and expose those who misuse their power and lie to the people.
We advocate for stricter rules on financial institutions and higher taxes on the rich.
We want to stop the influence of corporate money on political representatives.

We advocate for a better welfare system and we want affordable health care for all.
We want to see human rights fully implemented including equal rights for everyone regardless of their gender, beliefs, or orientation.
We demand strict ethical rules for all human beings and we advocate for better education and equal opportunities.

We want to see environmental issues tackled and expose those neglecting our environment.
We want investments into future industries like renewable energy and other sustainable solutions.
We demand an end to our dependency on oil, coal, and nuclear energy, and a divestment from these industries.
We want a ban on all genetically modified foods and an end to the use of dangerous pesticides in agriculture.
We demand to end the use of staple foods as fuel and we want healthy food for schools and better education on food in general.

We advocate for a change of the prison system and the abandonment of the death penalty.
We want offense cases handled less punishment-oriented, rather offering access to self-help groups, other life-changing opportunities.
We demand an immediate ban on firearms for personal use and a halt to arms production and trade in general.

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The Voice of the People    The Voice of the World